Sound financial management is the fiduciary foundation for any well managed building!

Most building finances are straight forward. However, it’s important to understand the budgeting and financial management cadence along with the roles of the board/treasurer and Roost.

Association board members need to oversee the following financial tasks:
  • Annual budgeting
  • Monthly bill pay
  • Reserve contributions
  • Manage assessments/dues/carrying charges, including fee increases and special assessments
  • Manage delinquency policies and enforcement
  • File association/cooperative taxes
  • Coordinate audits if required by the condo docs

Most of the tasks above will be handled by the Roost Finance Team. Each month they will pay your association recurring bills and work with the treasurer/board to have any out of the ordinary expenses paid. An operating bank account is set up through National Cooperative Bank and bills are paid through that account. Reserve (savings) accounts are separate and Roost is only authorized to make contributions to that account but the board is needed to move funds out of reserves INTO the operating account. Each month, Roost will reconcile your bank accounts and send a financial accounting package. This is placed into your portal for ongoing review and we’ll note any variances or areas of concern. Buildings need to have a minimum balance of $5,000 (or three months of operating available) in operating in order to ensure bills can be paid in a timely manner. Budgeting will be done in concert with the treasurer/board committee. Roost does the FIRST draft of the budget; revisions are done by the treasurer and board, finalized, and remitted to Roost to log in Appfolio and memorialize. The board is responsible for presenting the budget for review and approval to the membership at the annual meeting. Taxes are coordinated by Roost during the typical tax season and, because there is generally no profit generated by the building, the cost is for a licensure tax and the fee to have them prepared.

Roost maintains financial policies and procedures to ensure best practices and share those from time to time with the board when updates and revisions are made. We aim for transparency, collaboration, and timeliness when handling all aspects of financial management on behalf of the building.